Posts Tagged ‘dog recipe’

Cobb Style Meatloaf: for you and your pets

Vickie Harris

Cobb Style Meatloaf By Vickie Harris: Paws 4 Health It’s almost Easter and it isn’t Easter without EGGS!! If you have children, or even if you don’t, it is hard not to want to dye some eggs to add to your Easter festivities. But what do you do with all of those hard boiled eggs? […]

Fun for the Holidays: Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats


PEANUT PAWS -Santa “Paws” will love them! Submitted by Vickie Harris This recipe is one of our signature recipes. It is considered a “treat” instead of a “snack” because it does contain a little more sugar than a snack recipe -BUT, I have yet to find a dog that doesn’t like the peanut butter […]