Stray Magnet Blog

Remembering Winston, A Tribute to Our Beloved Dog

Winston featured

God gave us Winston and he gave us 14 beautiful years. He will be forever remembered by our children as their first dog and by my husband and I as our first child. He has left a lasting paw print on our hearts. We miss him every day but are thankful for his faithful love and companionship. We hope and pray all families get to experience that same love and joy!

Am I Ready for a Pet?


Having a pet brings much joy but also a lot of responsibility. Are you ready for a pet? Here are some things to consider before adopting.

Coyotes in Nashville and Beyond


There have been lots of Coyotes sightings in Nashville and Middle Tennessee. Read about how to protect your pets and keep coyotes away.

The Complete Safety Guide for Camping with Dogs


The Complete Safety Guide for Camping with Dogs provided by Redfin:
How to Prepare, What to Pack, and Campsite Safety for a Fun Outdoor Adventure with Your Dog

Kitten Season

featured kittens

Kitten Season has begun! We have an overpopulation problem-Learn how you can help save lives and make a difference for animals!